This is Gisella, or Ellie.
See her web page here:
We're back!
Einstein has been fixed and is doing well. Ellie is still the smartest girl we have ever had and is still able to breed one more time before she too will be retired. Does anyone have a male intact who would consider acting as Stud? We are glad to pay, give a pup or what ever works for both of us.
Please contact us if you have a Stud or know a four legged one.
Thanks, and be sure to keep an eye on the Blog and new links, including the addition of a CBD for dogs link.
Be well.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year to All!
Instead of a treat of puppies, Ellie tricked us!
Happy Holidays to all!
Happy Halloween! With Trick or Treat comes the possibility of puppies from Einstein and Ellie!
And now, for the Halloween pictures!
America's Cup 34 San Francisco won by Oracle Team USA 9-8 over Emirates Team New Zealand
From my letter post event to friends like you:
Hello everybody.
Wow! What a finish. What an opportunity. Take time out, do what you like and Volunteer.
During the Presentation Ceremony of the America's Cup, ex mayor of San Francisco and current Lt. Governor of California Gavin Newsome, the man who shared Larry Ellison's vision and helped it come to fruition in this natural amphitheater we call San Francisco Bay, had this to say, " I want you all to give a huge hand of applause… to the 1,000 Volunteers. To each and every person in the Red Shirt, that worked hard to make this the most spectacular, fan friendly America's Cup in history. Thank you."
Yes, and maybe we'll get to do it again, in San Francisco. So I hope you get to see it. Or come work it.
Oh, and as to the catamaran I am pictured with, and spent so much time with for better than 3 months, an Oracle AC45, Chassis 11. I got know it like the back of my hand. As you can see, I caress it like the family dog.
Now, go find and fly your boat.
Happy sailing.
Replays of all races are available at: ,in HD.
All Dogs go to Heaven. Thank God Estee is there to meet Greta.
A letter to St. Francis for delivery to our Darling Greta.
Dearest Greta,
Time here on Earth with you was such a Blessing.
The way You would Cuddle patiently for hours on end, and give such Tender Kisses. Thank You.
Your loving manner of raising little Ellie to be a loving and Caring Mother while lovingly trying to tell Einstein to rest it. A true Matriarch.
Never shall we forget how you Danced for Ellie and Einstein pounding you little Paws on the floor like Thunder.
Your Music and Unconditional Love will always be our Treasure as you live on in our Hearts Eternally.
Love and Peace,
Mommy, Daddy, Einstein and Ellie.
Gisella pregnancy resorption update
Thanks for your interest in our little ones.
Gisella update
Gisella is acting like puppies are a very strong possibility...
Einstein's nose knows!
Start planning now and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Einstein is sure paying a lot of attention to Ellie now. Does this mean Summer puppies? Anyone interested?
Ellie ready for action
Here's Timmy!
New pictures of Gisella after grooming
Posey's Pictures
Madison is now Bella, and Estee is Layla
Bella and Garrett
Monday blues. 4 wonderful puppies have gone home. The last one leaves tomorrow.
Happy New Year! Puppies prepare to go home.
New families be sure to bring your harness, a collar with no neck leash is fine too, and a blanket, crate, a tug toy and some treats.
Below are todays weights, and if time allows maybe some pictures, but there is a lot to be done to prepare the pups for their new adventures.
Here are todays current weights:
Timmy: 5 pounds 13 ounces
Estee: 4 pounds 4 ounces
Posey: 3 pounds 7 ounces
Angel: 3 pounds 8 ounces
Madison: 4 pounds 3 ounces
Christmas pictures and current weights
Happy New Year!
All puppies passed their Vet check with flying colors! Here are the details.
All puppies were deemed Healthy and Normal. That is vet speak for an examination of their physical appearance characteristic of the breed, healthy and thick coats with the correct texture, correct bite, good responses, good elbows and knees. All puppies have now been given their next de-worming by us as well.
The first vaccinations consist of Puppy DAPP (Temp) Novibac for Parvovirus, Distemper, Hepatitis (CAV-1), and Parainfluenza. Their next vaccinations will be needed at 11 weeks, or about January 17, 2013. Book those appointments new owners.
Also, all puppies were implanted with the AKC Microchip with Lifetime 1-800 Support. Many pets are retrieved each year by use of this simple technique, completely painless to the dogs and it may just save their life. Upon registration this information is entered into the AKC-CAR database for identification. AKC-CAR stands for Companion Animal Rescue.
All pups are running around like crazy, playing, eating a mix of soft and hard Science Diet Puppy Food, developing their personalities, and getting ready to start going home at the first of January. Fortunately for us, there is still time to love and enjoy and work with them all. And they get to see Santa this week for their first Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you All.
7 weeks of age and the puppies are growing up beautifully, as current weights show. Shots, microchips, and Vet check this week.
Here are todays current weights:
Timmy: 4 pounds 5.7 ounces
Estee: 3 pounds 5.7 ounces
Posey: 2 pounds 12.4 ounces
Angel: 2 pounds 10.9 ounces
Madison: 3 pounds 5.9 ounces
Sweet Baby Estee
Estee is moving to Las Vegas
Puppies at 6 weeks update
Now for puppy news. Not only are they growing fast body wise, their teeth are really starting to come in and Gisella can’t be in to nurse more than a minute or so until those tiny razors make their impressions and she is ready to bolt. Thick fur, big bright eyes, healthy appetites for their Science Diet Puppy soft food, and an ongoing game of chase, tumble, face chewing, ear gnawing and any other game they invent for themselves. When I get in the enclosure in the nursery and lay down with them, it is like the invasion of the lilliputians, crawling all over me. This is the payoff of having puppies for me. And all that puppy breath…intoxicating.
Current weights:
Timmy: 3 pounds 11 ounces
Estee: 2 pounds 13 ounces
Posey: 2 pounds 7 ounces
Angel: 2 pounds 7 ounces
Madison: 2 pounds 13 ounces
Estee is having visitors this weekend, as she has not found who she is looking for, yet. Also, with my Mom’s hospitalization, it has put us behind on all but one interview for Estee and prospective owners since December 2nd.
Here is the link for our Bichon Frise Care Guide, which I co-authored several years ago, for our new owners as well as any dog owner.
Happy and safe Holidays to one and all!
Estee is available for appointments December 15
Also, the first two puppy pick ups are already scheduled for Saturday January 5th, and one on Saturday the 12th.
My Mom in Dallas is better after surgery
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
The Litter at 5 weeks and other news
In other news, my Mother fell and broke her hip and as a result news will be light for a while as we deal with doctors, rehab and such. Stop and say a prayer for your loved ones.
Timmy, Posey, Angel and Madison have made their decisions as to which family to adopt. Estee is still looking.
Timmy, Posey and Madison’s new family pictures from this weekend are posted on their page, located here. Angel’s pictures will be posted when I receive them as the pictures are on the new familys camera.
It was such a pleasure and so much fun to meet and spend some time with everyone. How these thing all come together, it is truly inspiring. Truly, dog is our co-pilot.
I really must say that these pups are really going to have some outstanding families to show the ropes to, because we all know who really runs the show when the new kid in town comes around. Oh, and do they have Giants fans, yes.
The line up:
Timmy - East Bay.
Posey - East Bay.
Angel - North Bay.
Madison - South Bay.
4 weeks already? My how they have grown. Future families first visits this weekend.
New pictures and their weights are again available by clicking here. Timmy is still the big boy weight wise, with Estee passing Madison, and Posey and Angel still sweet and petite, fractions of an ounce apart.
This weekend future adopting families first visits will occur. All five puppies have prospective families, and we are all excited. All puppies appear to be calling their primary homes in and around the Greater SF Bay Area.
We look forward to meeting you all in person.
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
Timmy - Very gentle, lovable, a companion. He and Posey are real buddies, always the first out and hanging in the sun in each others arms. Very sweet. This also applies to:
Posey - As Patricia says, chipper, fun, really likes to hang out with people. Will seek you out. Daddy’s little girl. Very pretty.
Angel - Curious, adventurous, likes to go around on her own, then comes back to the group. Also very pretty.
Estee - Very affectionate. A real talker, she will tell you all about it. A snuggler. She likes to get around quite a bit as well.
Madison - The more subdued of the group, she goes with the flow, is quiet, a snuggler also, she wraps her little front paws around my thumb and holds on tight. Great eyelashes already.
Oh, and one more thing, we have a movie, and if you turn up the volume and listen closely, you can hear the puppies feeding. Sorry you can’t smell the puppy breath. Yes, one of life’s little gifts that puppy breath. Click here to go to the Movie page.
The Litter at 3 weeks
Next Wednesday November 28th, their deworming starts, and starting that following weekend December 1 and 2, we will start having prospective adopting families over to see the puppies and make their selections for pick up to go home, which we now anticipate to begin Wednesday, January 9th, 2013.
Please contact us to set your appointment now.
The litter is now over 2 weeks of age, with weights and new group, individual and face pictures
Einstein and Gisella's Litter Certificate available
The AKC has a great new "How to Pick a Puppy" Guide available at this link
New Years Puppy Flyer
While many breeders would be willing to let their puppies go at 8 weeks, which is the minimum age recommended by the AKC for separating puppies from the mother and litter mates, we believe that the extra two weeks with their family leads to better socialized dogs, according to all the experts opinion at this time.
The Litter is 1 week young today, with weights and individual pictures taken and available
Each of the puppies has about doubled their birth weight in 1 week. Amazing, but you can just sit and watch the fits and starts of their growth. Here is their progress.
Timmy was born 6.6 ounces and is now 13.6 ounces.
Estee was born 6.5 ounces and is now 13.4 ounces.
Posey was born 5.3 ounces and is now 10.8 ounces.
Angel was born 6.9 ounces and is now 12.1 ounces.
Madison was born 7.8 ounces and is now 14.1 ounces.
New Puppy Picture
We have just received the New Owner Puppy Registration forms from the AKC. At their first shots they will also get their microchips for AKC-CAR registration.
All of the Puppies are doing well at their first Vet check
All puppies also have their own color ribbon for ease of identification: Timmy is a Wide Red ribbon, Sweet Baby Estee is a Narrow Red ribbon for her, Posey is of course a Pink ribbon, Angel has her Yellow ribbon and Madison is in her regal Purple ribbon. Check them out by clicking here.
New litter pictures posted today
Weights, appetite, mobility, color and health all appear to be good. Their first visit to Dr. Hauser for a Veterinarian check up is tomorrow.
Happy Halloween! Einstein and Gisella have their first litter together!
The AKC Litter Registration number is: NP328819 . Complete Litter details are available at:
Just select Bichon Frise from the pop up menu, enter 95492, our Zip code, or enter criteria as desired. Breeder Info and warranties to health, etc, are all available.
The puppies web page is available at:
Here is their first litter picture:
It's puppy time!
Gisella and Einstein to have puppies within the next 2 weeks
Let us know if you are interested, as the puppies should be ready to go home around Christmas to the first of the New Year and after. See the contact page.
Surprise, surprise! And I'm not just talking Halloween!!!
Surprise, surprise! And I'm not just talking Halloween! Think Einstein and the ever so wild and exotic Ella Maru!
All I can say is keep your eyes here for a reason to cheer!
Here’s looking at you! Can you tell which child is which in their dog costumes?
Happy Summer!
Dog TV. What a pleasure only dog owners know. We all watch it every day. It never gets old even if it is too loud, or a re-run of the same behavior. Dogs will be dogs and that is why we love them.
So get that kiddie pool out, fill it, and get in there with your four legged best friend. Maybe even a two legged friend as well. Hey, what happens in the pool, stays in the pool. At least until you empty it… This also helps the little guys overcome fear of water. And have treats for all.
Have fun. Be well.
NEW! Our new domain address is now active or click: or click: or click: or click:
Be sure to add this address to your bookmarks. Starting in June 30, 2012 these will be the only active links for Culmore Canines.
Let us know if you have any problems accessing our site by contacting us at:
Also, feel free to call us at the numbers on the contact page.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Dog Trainer :: Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for Your Pet
No puppies this cycle
Also, we think the dogs could feel the energy.
There will be other opportunities, and we hope His hand will come to assist.
Einstein and Gisella's first day breeding report
Ellie is in cycle and we are pondering pups
Remember, our website address is changing soon so be sure to keep an eye on this weblog to be advised of the new address. We will still have the same name, Bichon Frise of the California Wine Country, and email will be the same of and, plus a new one to be added soon.
Our Website address and Domaine name to change before Summer 2012
Our Website address for Bichon Frise of the California Wine Country here at Culmore Canines and Domaine name will change before Summer 2012. The present provider is dropping their service of web hosting in June of 2012, so between now and then we will be changing the address and we will be posting the new address prior to the change so you can reset your bookmarks for us at that time and stay tuned into our favorite breed.
We will still be receive email at the same addresses:
Thanks for your support.
Happy Holidays to All of our Two and Four Legged Friends!
2011 has been an eventful year here in beautiful Sonoma County and now the harvest is over and the fall color is everywhere, it is time to be thankful and to celebrate, as well as reflect.
Einstein is wonderful and as loving and attentive to the Girls as ever. What a man.
Giselle, now nicknamed Ella Maru and don’t even ask me how, is truly the most unique and happy puppy we have ever had. We are planning to breed her this next cycle.
Greta is still the most elegant, magnificent and wonderful dog and absolutely the prime reason Ella Maru is such an over the top dog. A mouthful but appropriate for the relationship between all members of The Pack.
Both Patricia and my Mom’s lives continue to require a very large portion of our lives, but how happy we are to be able to do it.
Patricia and I do really want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and very beneficial New Year.
Be well, be happy and be kind. Love your mate. Lay in the yard under the sky with your dog. And thank your God for life, love, freedom, peace and happiness always.
Thanks for the calls and emails
Our senior parents take center stage, breeding delayed
When your time comes to care for your parents, remember, they put up with us as children, and we must return the favor. We are who and where we are due to our parents loving direction, be it right or wrong at the time, so now I also must learn as I go. There are no built in instructions. Seek help and read a lot.
Friday, Patricia is going to Milwaukee to see her Mom who is having her own health issues and to relieve her sister Gloria who has been living with Dorothy for quite a while now as she cannot live alone.
That being said, any breeding will be delayed into 2012. Late this winter or early spring.
We apologize that it has taken so long to post this but I only returned home this week and am now returning emails seeking information about our Family Dogs.
Gisella started her cycle today
Einstein is waiting.
Summertime… and the living is easy...
Dog TV. What a pleasure only dog owners know. We all watch it every day. It never gets old even if it is too loud, or a re-run of the same behavior. Dogs will be dogs and that is why we love them.
Can you tell by the picture below which dogs have been running thru dirt and the sprinklers then ran thru the bushes and who sat on the porch?
Ellie (hiding her muddy face), Greta and Einstein
Just a Dog
From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog,"
or "that's a lot of money for just a dog."
They don't understand the distance travelled, the time spent,
or the costs involved for "just a dog."
Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a dog."
Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog,"
but I did not once feel slighted.
Some of my saddest moments have been brought aobut by
"just a dog," and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch
of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.
If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you probably understand
phrases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise."
"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship,
trust, and pure unbridled joy.
"Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience
that make me a better person.
Because of "just a dog" I will rise early, take long walks and look
longingly to the future.
So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog"
but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future,
the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.
"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts
away from myself and the worries of the day.
I hope that someday they can understand that its' not "just a dog"
but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being
"just a man" or "just a woman."
So the next time you hear the phrase "just a dog,"
just smile,
because they "just don't understand."
~Unknown Author~
God bless Estee, we love you. May 7, 2011
May Anniversary and Gisella's Birthday
As I stroll down memory lane, I looked back today at some pictures that were assembled for my Mom’s Christmas present of a digital photo frame consisting of photos from all family members. The following was taken on a New Years Eve, the same time of year when we first met. Cheers, to many more!
The Grooming Table in Dallas, Texas

GT Dog Grooming News
Grooming Table will be adding a mobile grooming salon this summer. Grooming Table is always doing research to improve our process in a way that is most beneficial to you and your dogs grooming experience. Saving you money and upgrading our products to the most safe and natural products available are just a few of the things we've implemented. GT Dog Grooming uses the most cutting edge grooming tools in the industry. In sticking to this commitment we have added a state of the art water filtration and water softener system to the shop. The benefits of this system are amazing and include making all of our natural products that much more effective in the process. Also keeping the dogs coat cleaner and eliminating such chemicals as chlorine and calcium. We also feel safe to say that we are one of the only shops that do not use chemicals in our entire grooming process.
George, a beautiful 16 month old Bichon male is looking to be your companion.
They are the puppies of Merlin of Windsor Castle and Mademoiselle CoCo Chanel III, and all of their information is located on our site by clicking on the respective links. Merlin is one of the puppies from Estee, our Grand Dam who now lives with my senior Mother in Texas. I mean, we’re talking a fine intact, AKC Registered mature males who are looking for YOU!
Call owner Daniel Stickle at 818-693-0975 or email
AKC Sire's AKC Number: NP07860604, Merlin of Windsor Castle
CERF # 427156, OFEL24, OFA25F
DNA Profile: # V393134
AKC: Dam's AKC Number: NP11621003 , Mademoiselle Coco Chanel III
CERF # 427157, OFEL26
DNA Profile # V401051
AKC Litter Number:NP258349
George's Info: AKC # NP25834903
Weight: Date: 3/8/11 - 8 pounds 2 ounces
Sex: Male
Born: 11/28/09
George is sensitively sweet and confident .George can definitely sport the AKC hair style. He love to lay down with his legs forward and back like Superman. George looks like his grandma Estee.
Paul has been adopted
Spring is here!
Is anyone looking for a beautiful 16 month old Bichon male for a companion?
They are the puppies of Merlin of Windsor Castle and Mademoiselle CoCo Chanel III, and all of their information is located on our site by clicking on the respective links. Merlin is one of the puppies from Estee, our Grand Dam who now lives with my senior Mother in Texas. I mean, we’re talking some fine intact, AKC Registered mature males who are looking for YOU!
Call owner Daniel Stickle at 818-693-0975 or email
AKC Sire's AKC Number: NP07860604, Merlin of Windsor Castle
CERF # 427156, OFEL24, OFA25F
DNA Profile: # V393134
AKC: Dam's AKC Number: NP11621003 , Mademoiselle Coco Chanel III
CERF # 427157, OFEL26
DNA Profile # V401051
AKC Litter Number:NP258349
George's Info: AKC # NP25834903
Weight: Date: 3/8/11 - 8 pounds 2 ounces
Sex: Male
Born: 11/28/09
George is sensitively sweet and confident .George can definitely sport the AKC hair style. He love to lay down with his legs forward and back like Superman. George looks like his grandma Este'e
Paul's Info: AKC # NP25834903
Weight: Date: 3/8/11 - 8 pounds 4 ounces
Sex: Male
Born: 11/28/09
Paul is a lover not a fighter. Super white coat. He will lie on back so you will feel compelled to rub his belly. Paul has the look of his daddy Merlin and Grandma Este'e.
The girls get a comb out before the snow
Those happy Sonoma cows with snow on the mountains:
February is Pet Dental Health Month
Danny has placed both dogs. Thanks.
Anyone looking for a beautiful 18 month old Bichon male for a companion? Pictures and details now available!
They are the puppies of Merlin of Windsor Castle and Mademoiselle CoCo Chanel III, and all of their information is located on our site by clicking on the respective links. Merlin is one of the puppies from Estee, our Grand Dam who now lives with my senior Mother in Texas. I mean, we’re talking some fine intact, CERF’ed, AKC Registered mature males who are looking for YOU!
Call owner Daniel Stickle at 818-693-0975 or email
AKC Sire's AKC Number: NP07860604, Merlin of Windsor Castle
CERF # 427156, OFEL24, OFA25F
DNA Profile: # V393134
AKC: Dam's AKC Number: NP11621003 , Mademoiselle Coco Chanel III
CERF # 427157, OFEL26
DNA Profile # V401051
AKC Litter Number: NP233117
Verlious Info: AKC # NP23311701
Weight: Date: 2/7/11 - 9 pounds 6 ounces
Sex: Male
Born: 05/02/09
CERF: 427158-10/27/09
Toulouse Info: AKC # NP23311702
Weight: Date: 2/7/11 - 7 pounds 8 ounces
Sex: Male
Born: 05/02/09
CERF: 427159-10/27/09
Gisella is really maturing beautifully
Einstein is in bliss having two beautiful girls around to protect and snuggle. Greta has a BFF now, too, to teach all about being a proper little girl and mother some day.
Happy New Year!
Gisella has really been a wonderful addition to The Pack, and while she could easily show in conformation, it seems she really has agility in her veins.
Treat nature kindly, and stay with us in the New Year to see what nature brings.
Happy Holidays to You and Yours!
Happy Holidays to You and Yours, from all our Pack, 2 and 4 legged!
All about a Dog's Life: I Rescued a Human Today
Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid.
As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them.
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone's life.
She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship.
A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well. Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven't walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.
I rescued a human today.
Sent to us by Cheryl Forrest
Sunday Winners
Saturday Winners
MENSONA AKC Kennel Club Premiere Dog Show August 27-28 in Santa Rosa. Bring the family and the dogs! It's FREE!!
MENSONA AKC Kennel Club Premiere Dog Show brochure link
The 2010 Mensona Kennel Club All-Breed Dog Shows, Obedience Trials, and Rally Trials are scheduled for Saturday August 28th and Sunday August 29th in the Sonoma County Fairgrounds Carnival lot, in Santa Rosa, CA.
On Saturday, August 28th, our annual Fun Match, CGC Testing, and Therapy Dog Testing will follow the show at 7:00 PM on the Carnival lot after the conclusion of the Best In Show competition.
Bring the family and the dogs! Most events are inside, lots of dog stuff, dog people, and best of all, dogs. 1,235 dogs are entered at the closing of entries.
It’s FREE to all!
Duchess Gisella joins The Pack!
Stay tuned. There is more news afoot...
Summertime tips
As we said last month, get out all that you can and take your dogs with you.
If you take them to the beach or on a walk on hard or hot surfaces in the city, remember their footpads are very sensitive and can burn, just like their skin, especially on light fur or skin dogs.
Take the on drives, but never leave them in the car.
Get a cheapo childs blue swimming pool at Target, $5 or so, and put it in the shade and lay in it with your dogs.
When your dogs are outside, provide water, water, water. Inside, too.
Be sure to ask your vet about suggestions and tips for your dog in your area.
Be sure to give heartworm prevention medication and use flea and tick prevention monthly, and get bortadella protection if frequenting public areas where many animals frequent. Always opt for prevention as opposed to cure, and always ask your vet for their recommendations.
Get creative, listen to your inner dog.
Above all, be safe so you can do it all over again next year.
Summer is here! Get out and have fun with your dog.
Greta's litter did not make it full term.
Greta is about 11 days from whelping, and still look at that body!!!
Greta is coming along beautifully and Einstein can't wait for a new play pal
We have also posted the complete AKC Certificates of Pedigree for both Einstein and Greta, and they are each available for viewing on their respective web pages. Just click on their names in the menu and scroll down to the bottom of their pictures, and click on the thumbnail to view the Certificates at the largest online size. Previews are below. Note: CH. next to the parents names denotes AKC Champions.
Greta is pregnant!
Below is the sonogram showing the puppy inside Greta. You can see the puppy in the large dark area towards the top of the sonogram in the middle. The large dark area is in fact the fluids inside the sack that holds the puppy. In real time, you can easily see the steady heartbeat of puppy. Amazing!
Happy New Year! News of Greta and Einstein's first breeding.
Patricia will be taking Greta for her sonogram around February 20th to verify pregnancy and number of puppies. If in fact the breeding was successful, we can expect to see their bright little puppy faces between March 27th and 29th, 2010. We socialize our puppies for a minimum of 8-10 weeks, meaning puppies should be ready to join their new families around the first week of June. What a great time to get out and get to know your new family member during a California summer.
Keep your eye on this weblog and you will be the first to know.
The picture are of Greta on the left, Einstein and Greta in the center, respectively, and Einstein on the right, lazing on a winter day.
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
May your home be filled with the joy of family, friends and loving pets, and may the New Year bring you health, happiness, and prosperity. Thanks for visiting.
Around the corner I have a friend
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone
And I never see my old friend's face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell,
And he rang mine.
If, we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jim"
"Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner - yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir - Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end...
Around the corner, a vanished friend.
If you love someone, tell them.
Remember always to say what you mean.
Never be afraid to express yourself.
Take this opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you.
Seize the day and have no regrets.
Most importantly, stay close to your friends and family,
for they have helped make you the person that you are today
and are what it's all about anyway.
Pass this along to your friends.
Let it make a difference in your day and
theirs. The difference between
expressing love and having regrets
is that the regrets may stay around
Dogs and People PowerPoint presentation for download:DogsAndPeople
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Put the giving back in Thanksgiving!
Come to West Fest, The 40th Anniversary of The Woodstock Festival, FREE in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, October 25, 2009. Register for The Jimi Hendrix Guitar Ensemble, too!
You can find all the information for the events at the following links:
West Fest, The 40th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival:
Register for the World’s Largest Guitar Ensemble playing Jimi Hendrix “Purple Haze”:
The Jimi Hendrix Ensemble Weblog:
Greta is coming into cycle
Come to West Fest, The 40th Anniversary of The Woodstock Festival, FREE in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, October 25, 2009. Register for The Jimi Hendrix Guitar Ensemble, too!
You can find all the information for the events at the following links:
West Fest, The 40th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival:
Register for the World’s Largest Guitar Ensemble playing Jimi Hendrix “Purple Haze”:
The Jimi Hendrix Ensemble Weblog:
Call me if you have any questions, and see you there!
Summer is here! Get out with your dog! Let them make new friends!

CoCo and Merlin's puppy progress
Navy Blue ribbon:
Large female born 3:50pm Sun 3rd of May.
30 hrs. 8:25 oz
55hrs. 9:25 oz.
3days. 10.25 oz.
4 days. 11.00oz.
5days. 12.50
6 days. 13.50
7days. 14.50
Powder Blue ribbon:
Largel male born 4:20 pm
30 hrs. 8 oz.
55 9oz
3days. 10.25 oz.
4days. 11 oz.
5days. 12.50
6days. 13.50
7days. 14.50
Black ribbon:
Small male born 5:47 pm
30 hrs 6:25 oz.
55 7 oz.
3 days. 8. oz
4 days. 8.75 oz.
5 days. 9.50 oz
6 days. 10.50
7 days. 11.50
CoCo and Merlin have 3 puppies
Individual pictures of CoCo, Merlin and some previous litters of theirs together can be seen on our Litters, Photos webpage.
Contact Daniel now for availability probably around mid-July or so at: 972-960-7171 or 818-693-0975
Take a look-
CoCo and Merlin having puppies in Dallas
Mensona Kennel Club "B" Match
PUPPIES - 4-6 months, 6-9 months & 9-12 months; ADULTS- 12-18 months & Open
CGC/TDI Testing: $15/DOG Maximum 20 dogs. Same dog with 2 handlers is no extra fee. Maximum 20 dogs.
SPORTING - Vince Mulligan; WORKING - Diane Collins; HOUND – Don Delmore except Pharoah Hounds - John Fitzpatrick; TERRIER and HERDING – Michael Lynch; TOY and NON-SPORTING – Joanne Reed BEST PUPPY IN MATCH ---- Diane Collins BEST ADULT IN MATCH ---- John Fitzpatrick
(the following Specialty clubs will be holding play days immediately following BEST in MATCH)
Redwood Empire Mastiff Club
Miniature Pinscher Club of Northern CA
The Friends of Norwich and Norfolk Terriers
Estee is now in Dallas with Mom
Dog First Aid Tips
This information comes directly from Dr. Paula Terifaj, DVM, in Brea, California, who regularly publishes a Blog from a veterinarians perspective on basic health, care, and assorted topics at:
Dr. Terifaj has generously agreed to allow the reprinting of a topic near and dear to all of us, the care of our dogs. All links are also available from the article for your convenience.
Thanks from all of us.
Estee is going to my Mom in Texas
We hope all of you wish her a safe journey.
Wow! A 10 year old Sussex Spaniel wins Best of Show!
Take your Sweetie to a Dog Show
Happy New Year!
Fonzi and Carolyn
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Fonzi is moving to Marin!
Best Bichon and Dog Books for the Holidays
1) The AKC Book of Dogs, any and all Bichon Frise Breed Books
2) Behavior Books:
a. The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog by Ann Seranne- not just about show dogs
b. Clicker Training Books and Kits by Karen Pryor.
We also recommend Gift Cards from and credits for future vet visits available from most vets offices. Also, any actual dog training classes by local trainers at your home are great investments in you and your dogs life together.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Estee fooled us!
Thanks to everyone who contacted us.
Estee, Charles puppies due within 2 weeks Interview #74 and #75 now available
They are a great resource, and if you haven’t visited the site yet, click either of the links above and go to their homepage.
Estee, Charles puppies due mid November
New testimonials and pictures posted Interview #74 now available
They are a great resource, and if you haven’t visited the site yet, click either of the links above and go to their homepage. Interview #2 complete
Enjoy the autumn outside with your dogs wherever you live.
CoCo and Merlin have puppies in Dallas
Birth Sept. 9:
Paulette - blue ribbon - 5:30 pm - 4 ounces
Ambrose - black ribbon -6:15 pm - 3.5 ounces
Danielle - red ribbon - 7:00 pm - 3 ounces
Angelique - powder ribbon - 7:45 pm - 3 ounces
Sept 16:
Paulette - blue ribbon - 11.02 ounces
Ambrose - black ribbon - 10.75 ounces
Danielle - red ribbon - 9.5 ounces
Angelique - powder ribbon - 9.25 ounces
Anton (Fonzi) gets his first puppy cut
Anton is going on his 5th month of age and it was time for Patricia to give him his first puppy cut. He was very calm and looked so good we just had to take a few pictures. This one is of Patricia and Fonzi practicing stacking. |
See more pictures on Anton’s webpage.
September Update
The first of September is off to a busy start. Estee is off with her Prince, CH Devon Charles Yu for their annual soiree. Anton is growing into a very beautiful and playful pup who seems to play all day with Einstein, while Greta loves to watch them race around the yard alternating who chases who. She is really the most elegant girl we have ever had the pleasure of living with. So graceful, with the prance of a Tennessee walker and a tail like a flag, held high and always waving. Einstein continues to mature and is a true gentleman who really loves to keep Greta licked clean, especially while courting. He is enjoying being at home, as life on the road of a show dog is about as fun as being in rock and roll band on the road. The audience is the only ones who think they are having fun and not realizing it is work to the players, and their handlers. Our hats are off to those who do it week in and week out, really. |
Dog Show Sabbatical
Beginning today and going through mid-October we are going to take a sabbatical and work with Einstein and equally important, Anton. |
Einstein and Michael look forward to August and September Dog Shows in Sonoma
Einstein and Michael look forward to August and September Dog Shows in Sonoma. Provided ample numbers of entries at each show allowing points to be earned we will compete in both. Stay tuned for updates as the events get closer. Anton will make his first visit to a Dog Show to smell the air. I will be working the Mensona Show both days as it is the Kennel Club Patricia and I belong to, and Mensona Kennel Club is the hosting club of the event. Mensona Kennel Club - Santa Rosa - Sonoma County Fairgrounds - August 16-17 Saturday August 16 - Bichons Frises -10:45 am Ring 2 - Did not show |
Sunday August 17 - Bichons Frises - 9:00 am Ring 2 - White Ribbon 4th Place |
Redwood Empire Kennel Club - Petaluma - September 6-7 - Withdrew - Vacation/Sabbatical |
Little Fonzi (Anton) passed his CERF eye examination with flying colors.
Little Fonzi (Anton) passed his Canine Eye Research Foundation (CERF) eye examination with flying colors. Dr. Burwell's exam at Eye Care for Animals in Santa Rosa and submission to CERF certified "No inherited eye disease found". After October 19th he will be eligible for his first entry in a Show in the 6-9 month Puppy Class. |
Now that's what I call a well socialized dog
Hey friends, Just wanted to let you know that Hopps (snowball) is doing great. He's been getting in a ton of beach days where he will outrun any dog that comes around. (so fast for a little guy) He's been camping with us where a baby deer and he became friends for the weekend. Health is great. Grooming has been hard with all the outdoor activities, but at this point we just drop him off at a local groomer and hand them a bunch of money. Hope things are well with you both. Tonya is trying to convince me to get a playmate for Hopps so who knows. I'll attach a photo for you. -Sammy |
Hot time, summer in the city.
Happy Birthday Einstein!
Anton will also be getting his second series of puppy shots and be implanted with a microchip at Dr. Hauser's. He sure is a precious dog.
Puppies weight at nearly 10 weeks; Hannah and Hunter go home today
Anton is looking more and more like Einstein. He has a great hop and beautiful hand gestures. In about 7 weeks he will start Conformation training. Anton can start showing at six months, or mid October, in the Puppy Class, for entries 6-9 months of age.
Anton - male - RESERVED for Training and Show in Puppy Class (6-9) - 5 pounds 0 ounces
Hannah (was Giselle) - female - ADOPTED - 6 pounds 0 ounces
Hunter - male - ADOPTED - 6 pounds 0 ounces
Einstein and Michael win again in Long Beach/Beverly Hills KC Shows
Friday June 20:
Long Beach Kennel Club (Florence Males, Judge)
First Place Open Dog (Blue Ribbon)
Winners Dog (Purple ribbon)
Saturday June 21:
Kennel Club of Beverly Hills (Roberta Campbell, Judge)
First Place Open Dog (Blue Ribbon)
Winners Dog (Purple Ribbon)
Best opposite Sex (Red/White Ribbon)
Puppies weight at 9 weeks; the first ones start going home tomorrow
Pavlov (was Logan) - male - ADOPTED - 5 pounds 4 ounces
Anton - male - RESERVED for Training and Show in Puppy Class (6-9) - 4 pounds 0 ounces
Hannah (was Giselle) - female - ADOPTED - 5 pounds 2 ounces
Daisy (was Chloe) - female - ADOPTED - 4 pounds 13 ounces
Hunter - male - ADOPTED - 5 pounds 2 ounces
Einstein and Michael looking for points at the Hills of Beverly, Kennel Club that is...
6-20 | Long Beach | Long Beach Kennel Club | 1-4(1-2) 8 | Mrs. Florence A. Males | Ring 11 1:00pm | ||
6-21 | Long Beach | Kennel Club of Beverly Hills | 1-4(1-2) 8 | Dr. Wanda V. Spediacci | Ring 12 10:00am |
Puppies weight and status at 8 weeks
Pavlov (was Logan) - male - ADOPTED - 5 pounds 0 ounces
Anton - male - RESERVED for Training and Show in Puppy Class (6-9) - 3 pounds 8 ounces
Hannah (was Giselle) - female - ADOPTED - 4 pounds 8 ounces
Daisy (was Chloe) - female - ADOPTED - 4 pounds 8 ounces
Hunter - male - ADOPTED - 5 pounds 0 ounces
Summer swim time, visitors today for Logan
Not only was today a good day for a dip, but Sile jumped right in and adopted Logan, and he was renamed to Pavlov. Lucky dog.
Einstein and Michael continue their winning ways at Contra Costa KC Vallejo Shows on June 7,8
Veterinarian Check-up Reports at 7 weeks, weights, status
We have been asked in the past, what exactly does the vet check for? How about the following 13 items being Normal in addition to the Body Condition Score of 3, or Ideal.
The 13 items are checked as Normal or Abnormal or No Exam are:
-General Appearance
-Neural Systems
-Lymph nodes
-Mucous Membranes
All of our pups passed with flying colors. Individual reports go with each dog, and prospective buyers can always request viewing any of these documents prior to selection.
Status and weights a few days before 7 weeks:
Logan - male - AVAILABLE - 3 pounds 14 1/2 ounces
Anton - male - RESERVED for Training and Show in Puppy Class (6-9) - 2 pounds 15 1/2 ounces
Hannah (was Giselle) - female - ADOPTED - 3 pounds 15 ounces
Daisy (was Chloe) - female - ADOPTED - 3 pounds 12 1/2 ounces
Hunter - male - ADOPTED - 3 pounds 15 ounces
Contact us if you would like to see Logan.
Puppies weight at 6 weeks, status; vet check, first shots this week
Logan - male - Available - 3 pounds 5 ounces
Anton - male - Reserved for Training and Show in Puppy Class (6-9) - 2 pounds 8 ounces
Giselle - female - Adopted - 3 pounds 7 ounces
Daisy (was Chloe) - female - Adopted - 2 pounds 14 ounces
Hunter - male - Adopted - 3 pounds 2 ounces
Contact us if you would like to see Logan.
Hannah (who was Giselle) and Hunter are moving to Lake County
We just posted new pictures of the individual pups...
What started with Showing Einstein could continue with Anton
Logan - male - Available
Anton - male - Reserved
Giselle - female - Available
Daisy (was Chloe) - female - Adopted
Hunter - male - Available
Contact us if you would like to set an appointment for visitation and selection this weekend.
Einstein and Michael excel at Hangtown KC in Placerville; Vallejo Show cluster June 5,6,7,8
Puppies progress, weight and individual pictures at 5 weeks. Visitation and selection starts today.
If you have been waiting, contact us now by phone or email as shown on the Contact page. New individual pictures are now posted on the Estee and Charles Puppies page. New pictures taken today of The Baroness Greta can also be seen on the Jubilee's Baroness Greta page. Enjoy.
Logan - purple ribbon - 2 pounds 12 ounces
Anton - black ribbon - 2 pounds 0 ounces
Giselle - red ribbon - 2 pounds 14 ounces
Daisy (was Chloe) - peach ribbon - 2 pounds 6 ounces
Hunter - blue ribbon - 2 pounds 10 ounces
Chloe has been adopted, and her new name is Daisy
Hangtown Kennel Club Show in Placerville this weekend for Einstein and Michael
Saturday - 9:30am Ring 3 - Judge Mr. Kenneth E. Berg
3 Entered 1-2(0-0)
Sunday - 10:00am Ring 3 - Judge Mr. James E. Fredericksen
3 Entered 1-2(0-0)
Setting up selection and visitation appointments for this weekend and next - Contact us Now
Einstein goes Reserve Champion at Coyote Hills Kennel Club Show, Best Bichon Frise Dog
Judge Mrs. Toby Branch, Handler Michael Lynch and Einstein at Coyote Hills KC Show
Puppies progress and weight at 4 weeks, Calls now for adoption appointments
Now is the time that Patricia is setting up visitation appointments now, so if you are waiting, contact us now through phone or email as shown on the Contact page.
Logan - purple ribbon - 2 pound 6 ounces
Anton - black ribbon - 1 pound 12 ounces
Giselle - red ribbon - 2 pound 5 ounces
Chloe - peach ribbon - 2 pound 4 ounces
Hunter - blue ribbon - 2 pound 8 ounces
Einstein and Michael Showing at Coyote Hills KC in Vallejo Sat-Sun, May 17-18
Saturday - 12:15pm Ring 6 - Judge Ms. Mary Schroeder
9 Entered 3-4(2-0)
Sunday - 9:30am Ring 6 - Judge Mrs. Toby Branch
10 Entered 3-5(2-0)
Go, guys!
Patricia will be making puppy visitation calls this Wednesday and Thursday
Puppies weight and individual pictures at 3 weeks
Logan - purple ribbon - 2 pound 3 ounces
Anton - black ribbon - 1 pound 8 ounces
Giselle - red ribbon - 2 pound 0 ounces
Chloe - peach ribbon - 1 pound 14 ounces
Hunter - blue ribbon - 2 pound 0 ounces
Puppies weight and a picture at 2 weeks of age
Logan - purple ribbon - 1 pound 9 ounces
Anton - black ribbon - 1 pound 2 ounces
Giselle - red ribbon - 1 pound 6 ounces
Chloe - peach ribbon - 1 pound 6 ounces
Hunter - blue ribbon - 1 pound 8 ounces
Estee and Charles puppies first pictures available
CoCo is going to Texas today to join Merlin at The Grooming Table
Puppies weight at 1 week of age
Logan - purple ribbon - 1 pound 2 ounces
Anton - black ribbon - 0 pound 12 ounces
Giselle - red ribbon - 1 pound 0 ounces
Chloe - peach ribbon - 1 pound 0 ounces
Hunter - blue ribbon - 1 pound 0 ounces
Estee has puppies
Logan - purple ribbon - 2:40 am - 8 ounces
Anton - black ribbon - 3:30 am - 7 ounces
Giselle - red ribbon - 4:15 am - 9 ounces
Chloe - peach ribbon - 6:58 am - 8 ounces
Hunter - blue ribbon - 7:29 am - 8 ounces
Einstein and Michael win another 1st Place and a Blue Ribbon Sunday
Einstein and Michael win 1st Place and a Blue Ribbon today
Einstein wins 2nd Place, a Red Ribbon and Trophy his first time out with Michael
And it's Showtime: Go Einstein, Go! Einstein's first Dog Shows April 11, 12, 13 at the Bichon Frise Club of Northern California Specialty and Sacramento Kennel Club Show in Sacramento
Michael Lynch, an All Breed Professional Handler from Sacramento, with over 20 years experience, will be handling Einstein. We want to start Einstein with the best possible chance of finishing him, and Michael provides the greatest opportunity. Go Einer!
Show times are:
Friday: Bichon Specialty 11:00 am Ring 11
Saturday: Bichons 11:00 am Ring 11
Sunday: Bichons 12:45 pm Ring 11
Join us at
Cal Expo Fairgrounds & Center
California Expo Fairgrounds and Center
1600 Exposition Blvd
Build C
Sacramento, CA 95815
Link for Map To Site
Not only can you feel Estee's puppies, you can see them moving around
Jubilee's Baroness is coming to Windsor
The Baroness was born April 30, 2005 and is AKC Registration number NP093463/03. Full grown, she weighs 13 pounds and 5 ounces. You really need to view her Pedigree, as she has a rather extensive champion blood lines, with 13 Champions in 4 generations, very heavy on the outstanding lines from Paray with parents from California, Canada and Brazil. We anticipate a love match between The Baroness and Einstein to take place this summer with their first litter in the Fall of 2008.
Puppies are due in about 2 weeks
Estee is looking very pregnant
Chelle Calbert, Pet Photographer, and her photos of Einstein
See all the previous photo on this page: Estee, Merlin by Chelle Calbert. The new photos are posted here: Einstein's Pix by Chelle Calbert. Here is a teaser below.
Another bit of hot news from Culmore Canines is also coming in April, as well as Estee should be having pups around April 17th. Stay tuned.
Estee's progress at 4 weeks
Bichon Frise Club of Northern California Specialty and Sacramento Kennel Club to be Einstein's first Dog Shows
Michael Lynch, an All Breed Professional Handler from Sacramento, with over 20 years experience, will be handling Einstein. We want to start Einstein with the best possible chance of finishing him, and Michael provides the greatest opportunity.
Join us at:
Cal Expo Fairgrounds & Center
California Expo Fairgrounds and Center
1600 Exposition Blvd
Build C
Sacramento, CA 95815
Link for Map To Site
Bichon Frise Club of Northern California Specialty and Sacramento Kennel Club to be Einstein's first Dog Shows
Michael Lynch, an All Breed Professional Handler from Sacramento, with over 20 years experience, will be handling Einstein. We want to start Einstein with the best possible chance of finishing him, and Michael provides the greatest opportunity.
Join us at:
Cal Expo Fairgrounds & Center
California Expo Fairgrounds and Center
1600 Exposition Blvd
Build C
Sacramento, CA 95815
Link for Map To Site
Puppies weight at 8 weeks, Adoption pick up starts today
Weights at 8 weeks of age:
Angel - pink ribbon - 2 pounds 13 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 3 pounds 14 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 3 pounds 3 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 4 pounds 1 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 2 pounds 15 ounces
All of CoCo and Einstein's puppies adopted
We should know about the success of Estee and her Prince Charles breeding period together soon.
Vet health check normal, weights and first vaccinations today
-General Appearance
-Integumentary (Skin)
-Neural Systems
-Lymph nodes
-Mucous Membranes
Weights at almost 7 weeks of age:
Angel - pink ribbon - 2 pounds 10 ounces - Adopted
Star - yellow ribbon - 3 pounds 9.5 ounces - Adopted
Magdelena - white ribbon - 2 pounds 15.5 ounces - Adopted
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 3 pounds 11 ounces - AVAILABLE
Gloria - red ribbon - 2 pounds 11 ounces - Reserved
Today, Dr. Hauser gave Heartworm medication and the following vaccinations also:
Grooving, on a Sunday afternoon...
New pictures of the puppies at 6 weeks
Gaspar available, Gloria status, puppies weight at 6 weeks
6 weeks of age:
Angel - pink ribbon - 2 pounds 1 ounces - Adopted
Star - yellow ribbon - 2 pounds 13 ounces - Adopted
Magdelena - white ribbon - 2 pounds 6 ounces - Adopted
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 3 pounds 0 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 2 pounds 1 ounces
Culmore Canines Update
Gaspar, the only pup available, is really a gentle dog and affectionate towards the entire litter. He really takes after his father, Einstein, in that he is a real snuggler. His conformation is excellent.
Weights will be posted Friday and new pictures by Sunday.
The first shots and vet check are scheduled for next week.
Puppy availability
Star - yellow ribbon - Adopted
Magdelena - white ribbon - Adopted
Gaspar - blue ribbon - Available
Gloria - red ribbon - Reserved for my Mother
Pictures of the adopting families and their puppies are being posted as available through out the weekend on the CoCo, Einstein's Puppies Now page.
Puppies weights at 5 weeks of age, visitations start today
5 weeks of age:
Angel - pink ribbon - 2 pounds 0 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 2 pounds 6 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 2 pounds 2 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 2 pounds 8 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 1 pounds 15 ounces - Reserved
A Man and his Dog
Miss Marseilles, a wonderful Bichon Frise who comforted my mother BJ and loved my parents for 15 years, rejoined Doug January 30th. He has been waiting with open arms for 10 years for her. Fare thee well.
New pictures of all Puppies and a movie
Click the triangle on the left to play the movie.
Puppies weights at 3 and 4 weeks of age, first 5 visitations next week
4 weeks of age:
Angel - pink ribbon - 1 pound 11 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 2 pound 0 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 1 pound 12 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 2 pound 4 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 1 pound 12 ounces
3 weeks of age:
Angel - pink ribbon - 1 pound 7 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 1 pound 11 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 1 pound 7 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 1 pound 14 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 1 pound 9 ounces
My Mother is doing fine and the pups are back online...
As you may know my 85 year old mother had a series of heart attacks, one of which caused her to fall and break her hip about 3 weeks ago. Pins were inserted into her femur and a new style combination pacemaker and defibrillator was implanted in her shoulder area in Dallas. I was there the whole time and was unable to do any updates as a result. We do appreciate your patience and prayers.
An update of their weight progress will be posted as soon as Patricia has finished.
15 days old and really beautiful
Due to my Mothers surgery we will post pictures as time allows.
Angel - pink ribbon - 1 pound 2 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 1 pound 4 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 1 pound 2 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 1 pound 6 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 1 pound 3 ounces
Puppy pictures at 10 days
Puppies weight at 1 week of age
Angel - pink ribbon - 10 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 12 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 9 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 14 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 11 ounces
Their AKC Litter Number is NP185168. For litter details see the AKC Breeders Classifieds at Search by Bichon Frise in California or the entire U.S. to see all AKC breeders and their litter rankings presently available. We continue to receive he AKC's highest ratings as you will see.
CoCo and litter doing just fine
For the record their name, ribbon colors, birth weights and order of birth follow:
Angel - pink ribbon - 6 ounces
Star - yellow ribbon - 7 ounces
Magdelena - white ribbon - 6 ounces
Gaspar - blue ribbon - 7 ounces
Gloria - red ribbon - 6 ounces
Also see the CoCo and Einstein Puppies NOW page. Their AKC Litter Number is NP185168.
CoCo and Einstein are parents!
From left feeding: Star, Gloria, Angel, and Gaspar, with Magdelena laying across in front.
CoCo has added 30% to her body weight, puppies very soon
Puppies are showing signs of movement
New pictures of CoCo and Einstein
About 15 days to go and puppies are being reserved - New pictures of Einstein at 17 months
Cecelia and Mirabelle are the first to reserve a puppy. We are so happy as Cecelia brought CoCo into the world and into our lives as the breeder and owner of CoCo's parents, Sire Petit Nuage and Dam CoCo Le Mieux.
Another potential family came to meet the Pack Sunday.
New pictures of Einstein at 17 months are also available here:
CoCo is 3 weeks away from whelping
CoCo is putting on weight
Patricia, Matthew and Culmore Canines New Members of Mensona Kennel Club
Please visit their website at Mensona Kennel Club.
CoCo and Einstein have tied the knot
Dog Cast interview with Culmore Canines now Live Online
Matthew and Patricia Culmore breed Bichon Frise dogs, and their highly acclaimed kennel is in California. Some of their recent litter have been ranked top in their State, and in the top three for the whole of America.
Producing high quality dogs with excellent temperaments is a priority at Culmore Canines, and health tests are done as well as well as making sure the puppies get the best start in life they possibly can.
In this interview, Matthew tells us how to recognise a good breeder, and passes on some of the measures he takes to make sure his pups end up in loving homes. We all want a breeder who has put the same effort into breeding a pup that we will put into raising it, and you can hear some wonderful advice about good breeding practices.
To see some of the beautiful Culmore dogs, and to read about Matthew go to the Culmore Canines website.
To hear the broadcast go to Dog Cast Radio Episode 51, and when you're finished, be sure to fully explore their site and subscribe to the Podcasts through iTunes.
You may also hear Episode 51 by playing it below:
Estee is fine after a false pregnancy
Estee is taking her sweet time with this litter
Estee is about 8 days away from whelping
Testimonials are posted for CoCo and Merlin's litter, Estee's progress
Estee is really putting on the weight and showing and feeling of life inside, with rest her main priority. About 2 weeks to go. Hold those good thoughts.
Estee and Charles Puppies in 3 weeks
Jet weighs in at 4 pounds
Culmore's Einstein is now his Official AKC Registration name
Belinda fell in love with Jet and so did Frank
Jet is looking beautiful at 10 weeks...
Update on adoptions and all of The Pack
Einstein is doing fine with his Conformation classes, and we get to go to the Mensona Kennel Club Show this weekend at the Fairgrounds.
Jet is one handsome dog, and is developing well, and weighs in at 3 pounds. Good boy!
CoCo is glad all the nursing is over so she can regain her girlish figure.
Estee is now into just sleeping and putting on a little weight as September 28th puppies are not really that far away. Several puppies are already being reserved as this is her first litter in a year and she has such awesome puppies.
Puppies weight at 8 weeks, adoption starts today
His Majesty Prince Jones - 3 lb. 8 oz.
Benny Jet - 2 lb. 8 oz.
Peaches'n Creme - 3 lb. 0 oz.
Topo Gigio - 2 lb. 1 oz.
Snowball - 3 lb. 4 oz.
Estee is back in Windsor after renewing her vows with Charles...
Prince has a new family
Snowball has been adopted
Puppies weight at 7 weeks of age - adoption time getting close
His Majesty Prince Jones - 3 lb. 3 oz.
Benny Jet - 2 lb. 4 oz.
Peaches'n Creme - 2 lb. 10 oz.
Topo Gigio - 1 lb. 14 oz.
Snowball - 3 lb. 2 oz.
Dr. Hauser gives vaccinations and all puppies passed their 1st check-up
The 13 items are checked as Normal or Abnormal or No Exam are:
-General Appearance
-Integumentary (Skin)
-Neural Systems
-Lymph nodes
-Mucous Membranes
At this time, Topo Gigio and Peaches have been reserved for adoption, while Snowball and Prince are interviewing potential parents. Patricia and I are holding back Jet until at least 16 weeks to make an initial evaluation as to whether he will be kept longer for potential for show. He already exhibits outstanding traits. Come see us!
Estee and Charles are on their honeymoon....
Puppies weight at 6 weeks of age
His Majesty Prince Jones - 2 lb. 12 oz.
Benny Jet - 1 lb. 14 oz.
Peaches'n Creme - 2 lb. 4 oz.
Topo Gigio - 1 lb. 8 oz.
Snowball - 2 lb. 8 oz.
Topo Gigio and Peaches'n Creme have been adopted
Puppies weight at 5 weeks of age
See the pictures at CoCo and Merlin's Puppies Now.
His Majesty Prince Jones - 2 lb. 3 oz.
Benny Jet - 1 lb. 10 oz.
Peaches'n Creme - 2 lb. 2 oz.
Topo Gigio - 1 lb. 5 oz.
Snowball - 2 lb. 4 oz.
New pictures of the puppies at almost 5 weeks of age
Einstein gets his AKC DNA Profile
Puppies weight at 4 weeks, first shots July 28th, reserve now for middle of August adoption
Prince - 2 lb. 0 oz.
Jet - 1 lb. 8 oz.
Peaches - 1 lb. 14 oz.
Topo Gigio - 1 lb. 4 oz.
Snowball - 2 lb. 0 oz.
Individual pictures of the puppies now available, including their weight at 3 weeks
Prince - 1 lb. 12 oz.
Jet - 1 lb. 1 oz.
Peaches - 1 lb. 8 oz.
Topo Gigio - 14 oz.
Snowball - 1 lb. 8 oz.
AKC registration of Present Litter shows Culmore Canines #1 in California, #2 in United States!
We have received AKC Registration for this litter, NP168348.
Puppies weight at 2 weeks of age
Prince - 1 lb. 3 oz.
Jet - 14 oz.
Peaches - 1 lb. 5 oz.
Topo Gigio - 10 oz.
Snowball - 1 lb. 5 oz.
Einstein did outstanding last night in his first Confirmation Training for Show. All of the dogs, Maltese, Scotties, Yorkies were totally buff. Man, I'm glad I'm not competing against those Maltese, that's for sure. All Champs, most are on the circuit now. One took 2 awards in 2 days. Well on it's way to finishing. We were the only Bichons this time.
Gestation Calculator for Dogs Now Available FREE for Apple Computers
- Description
- This Widget is a program for dog breeder, that on the basis of the date of the first service to the day of the birth of the puppies, the progress of the gestation, the gestation week and the days up to the birth calculation.
- With the input of the name of the dog, one can keep the overview of several dogs.
- The Widget is multilingual and is present in German and English, and further languages are in progress.
Merlin acquired by the Grooming Table in Dallas to put some shine on the Star of Texas!
Puppies weight at 1 week of age
Prince - 11 oz.
Jet - 9 oz.
Peaches - 12 oz.
Topo Gigio - 7 oz.
Snowball - 12 oz.
Einstein has passed his C.E.R.F. exam
Einstein XXI has now had his eyes certified and been given C.E.R.F. # BCF-29882007/12. Way to go Einer my 49er! |
Please Help Defeat California Spay/Neuter Law AB 1634 -AB 1634 Passes Assembly-The Fight Continues
AB 1634 Passes Assembly — The Fight Continues
Assembly Bill 1634, the California bill that will require any dog or cat over the age of four months to be spayed or neutered unless the owner qualifies for and obtains an intact animal permit, has passed the California State Assembly on a vote of 41-38, the bare minimum needed for passage. The vote tally is listed below.
Please thank the legislators who voted to oppose AB 1634. We need to let them know how much their support means to us.
The American Kennel Club wishes to thank all the people who have worked so hard to defeat this legislation. The fact that the vote was so close and that final passage only occurred after 10 hours of lobbying demonstrates that we had a very large impact!!
AB 1634 will now proceed to the State Senate.
Concerned dog owners, breeders and fanciers are encouraged to contact their State Senator and ask him/her to oppose AB 1634. Remember, hard copy letters are better than emails and office visits are even better! To find out who represents you in the California State Senate click here.
As soon as the Senate Rules Committee assigns the bill to a policy committee, we will post that information to our Action Center. Due to the floor deadlines this week, it will likely be at least next week before that happens.
For more information, contact AKC's Canine Legislation Department at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail
Please see the AKC website here for action you can take NOW:
CoCo started whelping at 2:00pm June 13
Birth weights:
Prince - 6 oz.
Jet - 5 oz.
Peaches - 6 oz.
Topo Gigio - 5 oz.
Snowball - 6 1/2 oz.
See the first pictures on this page: CoCo and Merlin's Puppies NOW
CoCo ready to whelp any day now...
Puppies next week
CoCo will have her OFA test in late September, well after the puppies have gone.
CoCo has passed her C.E.R.F. eye tests again and is 2 weeks from Puppies
CoCo's new CERF # is BCF-2767/2007--24
CoCo weighs about 14 pounds now and is expecting around June 15, so stay tuned.
We are proud to recommend to all dogs and their people An Internet radio show and Podcast for dog lovers. News, reviews, interviews and more hosted by Julie Hill. It seeks to cover anything and everything dog related. The program discusses a broad range of topics available for repeated listening via the Internet or to put on your iPod and listen to while spending time with your dogs.
3 weeks until CoCo and Merlin have their second litter
The puppies should be ready to go home with new families around August 15-17, 2007
CoCo is beginning to look very Motherly
Dog Trainer Joellen Luttrell worked with the pack today
Learn more about Joellen at:
CoCo is putting on weight...
CoCo and Merlin Mating Completed on Schedule
Litters Planned for 2007
CoCo and Merlin:
CoCo's cycle started: April 4, 2007
Mating: April 13-17 CoCo and Merlin tied the knot for the first time of this cycle about 7 pm on the 13 th.
Birth: June 15-17
Ready to go home with new families: August 15-17, 2007
Estee and Charles:
Mating: July 15-19, 2007
Birth: September 16-20
Ready to go home with new families: November 13, 2007
Please refer to Estee, CoCo and Merlin's individual web pages regarding their specifics as well as individual pictures and Certifications and Registrations.
Previous litters, puppy pictures and photo albums are located at:
You may contact us for further information by clicking on the link at the bottom of any page. Thanks.
Apollo, oops, Beau Thomas has been adopted by Nancy and Dillon
Family pictures of all adopted puppies are posted on CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page on the last 2 rows.
Congratulations to all!
Apollo is 8 weeks old and Ready for Adoption
Photos taken today of Apollo are displayed below and on row 11 of CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page.
Athena, Dionysis and Hermes are Adopted; Apollo is waiting for You
Patricia and I are fully aware that there is someone out there looking to experience on of the finest things in their lives, puppy breath. It is a life changing experience, and Apollo will be glad to help you through it. Come experience it for yourself!
Veterianarian Check-up Reports at 6 weeks and 5 days
We have been asked in the past, what exactly does the vet check for? How about the following 13 items being Normal in addition to the Body Condition Score of 3, or Ideal.
The 13 items are checked as Normal or Abnormal or No Exam are:
-General Appearance
-Neural Systems
-Lymph nodes
-Mucous Membranes
All of our pups passed with flying colors. Individual reports go with each dog, and prospective buyers can always request viewing any of these documents prior to selection.
Hermes: 3 lb. 2 ozs. - RESERVED
Apollo: 2 lb. 13 ozs. - AVAILABLE
Dionysis: 3 lb. 4 ozs. - AVAILABLE
Athena: 2 lb. 15 ozs. - ADOPTED
Individual photos are posted on rows 9 and 10 of the CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page. Enjoy.
Puppies weight and pictures at 6 weeks - Vet check and shots 12/21, Adoption pick-up Soon
Apollo: 2 lb. 8 ozs. - AVAILABLE
Dionysis: 3 lb. 0 ozs. - AVAILABLE
Athena: 2 lb. 14 ozs. - RESERVED
Individual photos taken today are posted on rows 9 and 10 of the CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page. Enjoy.
Hermes has been Reserved by Cindy and John...
Puppies weight at 5 weeks of age - Reserve Now!
Apollo: 2 lb. 4 ozs.
Dionysis: 2 lb. 8 ozs.
Athena: 2 lb. 2 ozs.
Individual photos taken at 4 weeks are posted on rows 7 and 8 of the CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page.
Estee and Merlin Calendar Photo Shoot Pictures by Pet Photographer Chelle Calbert
Athena is now Reserved by Pam and Christian...
CoCo and Merlin's puppies weight and pictures at 4 weeks of age
Apollo: 1 lb. 12 ozs.
Dionysis: 2 lb. 2 ozs.
Athena: 1 lb. 13 ozs.
New individual photos are posted on rows 7 and 8 of the CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page.
CoCo and Merlin's puppies weight at 3 weeks of age - Reserve Now!
Apollo: 1 lb. 8 ozs.
Dionysis: 1 lb. 9 ozs.
Athena: 1 lb. 8 ozs.
Individual photos are posted on the CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page.
CoCo and Merlin's puppies weight and pictures at 2 weeks of age
Apollo: 14 ozs.
Dionysis: 15 ozs.
Athena: 1 lb. 2 ozs.
New individual photos are posted on the CoCo and Merlin's Puppies November 2006 page. Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!
Patricia's surgery was a Success...
Master Bailey Thomas is now a City dog
CoCo and Merlin's puppies weight at 1 week of age
Apollo: 10 ozs.
Dionysis: 12 ozs.
Athena: 9 1/2 ozs.
New individual photos will be taken next Saturday of all puppies, but here's a group picture after weigh in.
Website Update Today
We will be weighing the puppies tomorrow and posting their growth, new pictures will be next week unless you want to see the progress early on any specific pup. Just let us know.
CoCo and Merlin announce their First Litter!
CoCo is ready to whelp!
Adoption pick up should start around Christmas and the first week of January, 2007, when they will be about 9 weeks of age. So, Christmas and New Years here we come!
Bailey is 17 weeks old and ready for adoption
Master Bailey Thomas now has his own web page and detailed information is posted there.
CoCo and Merlin's first litter together due November 4 - 8
Bailey is 15 weeks, Crate Trained, House Trained, and has New Photos
Master Bailey Thomas, the original pick of the litter, is crate trained, house trained, very well socialized and loves playing with the pack; Estee, Merlin and CoCo. He is very attentive and responsive to his name. His confirmation to the breed standard is very well displayed and he saunters around with a beautiful gait. His dense white fur and black features are now well defined. He has been given all of his shots, been wormed and received a Veterinarian check up on each visit. Bailey is available with full breeding rights. He comes with AKC Registration and documentation, a Health Guarantee and Adoption Kit.
The pictures below of Bailey are new today, at 15 weeks and 3 days of age.. His early pictures can be seen on the July Puppies 2006 page. Family pictures of new owners with their pride and joy are also now located on the same page on the last two rows.

Surprise! Surprise! CoCo is pregnant!
Merlin and CoCo's October 15 Wedding
WOW! Did somebody just get REAL lucky! Bailey has become available!
Master Bailey Thomas comes from Estee de Rancho Cotati, a dam with AKC Champion blood lines, OFA, CERF and DNA Certified and Charles, an AKC Certified Frequently Used Stud with registered DNA. Bailey was born July 7, 2006 and is 9 weeks of age now and ready for adoption Bailey is home raised, well socialized, healthy, happy, started with crate training, and is available with full breeding rights. He was given his first shots, wormed and received a Vet check up. Bailey comes with full documentation and a Health Guarantee.
Check out his pictures on the July Puppies 2006 page.
Who's coming to take who where and which way is he going?

Weights of the puppies at 9 weeks of age just before Adoption pick-ups
Liberty: 5 lbs. 4 ozs. Liberty is now Maxwell
Master Bailey Thomas: 4 lbs. 10 ozs.
Murphy: 4 lbs. 12 ozs.
Einstein: 4 lbs. 3 ozs.
Well, actually 9 weeks less 1 day. We updated weights today because of the short week and Bailey, Einstein, Murphy and Belle are being picked up between Saturday and Monday, with Liberty going home next weekend. We also need to prepare our "World Famous Bichon Frise Adoption Kits", the contents of which are so top secret, only us and new parents will ever know their contents.

We hope to get pictures of all the new families posted soon. A group picture of the pups will be posted tomorrow towards the end of the day.
Update on the puppies weights at 8 weeks
Liberty: 4 lbs. 14 ozs.
Master Bailey Thomas: 4 lbs. 4 ozs.
Murphy: 4 lbs. 5 ozs.
Einstein: 3 lbs. 15 ozs.
Check out the newest picture of Liberty below.
New pictures are also posted on Rows 8 and 9 of the July Puppies 2006 page of all the pack.

Belle has been adopted...
We are so happy to see our "children" go to such wonderful homes, one and all, past and present. Seeing Lisa, Ernie and Chandler over the course of the last few days, which are littermates from the last 2 litters, including Merlin, further confirmed that we are receiving the highest compliment, the continuing love and affection towards our puppies from where they were placed. We thank you all.
Liberty and Belle are waiting for You to add them to your Family

Important Information on our Breeding Program - next puppies Fall of 2007
The bad news is that we will not be able to take on another puppy at this time, which means that Belle is now available for adoption along with Liberty. We surely hope someone wanting to breed Bichons adopts her, as she is just beautiful and mirrors Estee so much in looks and physique that she should have wonderful pups.
What this means to our breeding program is that Estee and CoCo will not be bred until at least next July or August of 2007, which would not make puppies available until September or October of 2007. We will be taking reservations for adoption and Merlin will still be available for Stud service. His OFA test is this October.
Update on the puppies weights at 7 weeks
Liberty: 4 lbs. 4 ozs.
Master Bailey Thomas: 3 lbs. 13 ozs.
Murphy: 3 lbs. 13 ozs.
Einstein: 3 lbs. 6 ozs.
Belle is now available. Please read the above posting for how this has come about.
Now showing: Bailey and Liberty in Dogzilla!
Click the triangle on the lower left of the movie to play.
New pictures and puppies weights at 6 weeks of age
Liberty: 3 lbs. 8 ozs.
Master Bailey Thomas: 3 lbs. 3 ozs.
Murphy: 3 lbs. 3 ozs.
Einstein: 2 lbs. 12 ozs.
New Photos will be taken later today and posted on the July Puppies 2006 page on Rows 6 and 7.
A quick Quicktime Sunday movie
Click the triangle on the lower left of the movie to play.
Revere has morphed into Einstein because...
Yvonne, Aaron, Finn, Ella and Romy
Puppies weight at 5 weeks of age
Liberty: 2 lbs. 12 ozs.
Master Bailey Thomas: 2 lbs. 12 ozs.
Murphy: 2 lbs. 10 ozs.
Revere: 2 lbs. 6 ozs.
All the pups are growing rapidly, eating well, and developing outstanding Bichon Frise confirmation and characteristics. Next weeks pictures should be very impressive. Anyone wanting a sneak peek, let us know.
Puppy Update
Starting today at 5:00 p.m. the pups ate their first hard kibble, the Science Diet Puppy Small Bites in the bag. They have been eating the Science Diet Savory Chicken Entree soft food in the can since last Friday night.
All puppies are walking very well, and quite briskly in the yard. Teeth are coming in upper and lower. Their eyes are clear and dark with very thick white fur. Eye halos, nose and foot pads are blackening well.
Weights will be updated Friday as usual.
Veterinarian check and the first shots are on Saturday the 26th of August. Remaining shots should be given about each 4 weeks after that until completing the series or as directed by your vet.
Sunning on a summer Sunday afternoon
Belle, Murphy, Master Bailey Thomas, Liberty and Revere at play in the yard and later Merlin, Estee and CoCo watching over the sleeping puppies on the deck.

Message to New Owners
Thank you.
Murphy is the new name for Benjamin
Puppies weight at 4 weeks of age and New photos
Benji: 2 lbs. 2 ozs.
Liberty: 2 lbs. 6 ozs.
Master Bailey Thomas: 2 lbs. 3 ozs.
Revere: 2 lbs. 0 ozs.
New Photos will be taken later today of all puppies and will be located on the July Puppies 2006 page.
New photo of Liberty and Owner Update
Belle: Staying with us.
Master Bailey Thomas: Julie and Jason #1
Benji: Julie and Jason #2
Liberty: Is looking for you to give him a home this September!
Revere: Finn, Ella, Romy, Yvonne and Aaron.

Revere has been adopted
New photo of Revere

Update on New Owners and Puppy Availability
Puppies weighed today
Master Bailey Thomas: 1 lb. 12 oz.
Benji: 1 lb. 12 oz.
Liberty: 1 lb. 12 oz.
Revere: 1 lb. 10 oz.
All eyes are now wide open, they are starting to support themselves on their hind legs and are moving and talking like champs!
New pictures will be posted next Friday, and maybe the Podcast will be up by the end of the month.